Theology of Prayer

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by Rev. John A. Hardon, S.J.

On all sides we hear that the basic problem in the world today is that people are not praying, or not praying enough! While this is factually true, it is not enough to merely say we should pray more and should encourage others to do the same. First, we had better know what prayer is and what it really means. This popular 180-page booklet by Fr. John A. Hardon is intended for both religious and lay persons, and is ideal for those looking for the one and only sure means of growing in union with God. Fr. Hardon writes on the meaning of prayer, the various types of prayer, how to practice mental prayer, how to pray in suffering, how to pray the Mass, how one can profit most from spiritual reading, and much more. Has your prayer life gone dry? Do you have difficulty knowing how to pray? This laminated softcover book gives you working tools for greatly improving your prayer life.