The 2022 National Meeting: "Put on the Armor of God," was held the weekend of May 20-22 at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, Illinois.
Available Talks:
- Dr. Theresa Farnan, PhD: The Catholic Response to Gender Ideology"
- Rev. Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP: “Are Bright Screens a New Dark Age? Evangelization in Digital Media.”
- Sr. Helena Burns, FSP “Media Literacy & Evangelization”
- Bro. Sam Gunn, B.H. “Outreach: A Catholic Movement that Witnesses to the Gospel on College Campuses and Beyond.”
- Holy Mass Homilies:, Rev. Thomas Nelson, O.Praem. (Fri. 5/20), Most Rev. Bob Lombardo (Sat. 5/21), Rev. Boniface Hicks (Sun. 5/22) & Award Dinner talk: Rev. Brian Mullady, OP - Pro Fidelitate et Virtute Award Honoree